Be Authentic. Be Confident. Be You.

Meet Brittany Patrice, a dynamic individual whose life is a colorful blend of belief, acting prowess, and a delightful sense of humor. Born with an unyielding spirit of optimism, Brittany is a true believer in the power of God and the potential for greatness in every individual.


Brittany Patrice, born on January 18, 1988, in Jacksonville, Florida, is a talented actress and devoted believer in faith. She is a proud graduate of Florida State University, where she honed her skills and passion for the arts. With a strong foundation in her faith, Brittany approaches her work with integrity and purpose, infusing her performances and writing with depth and meaning. As an actress, she brings authenticity and emotion to her roles, captivating audiences with her talent and dedication. In her writing, Brittany explores themes of spirituality, identity, and the human experience, drawing inspiration from her own journey and beliefs. She is a shining example of someone who uses her talents to uplift and inspire others, both on and off the stage.


"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

/  Maya Angelou /


As an actor, she graces both the stage and screen with a magnetic presence that captivates audiences. Whether portraying intense dramatic roles or bringing characters to life with comedic flair, Brittany has an innate ability to connect with the emotions of the audience, leaving a lasting impression with each performance.

Beyond the spotlight, she carries the belief that laughter is not only the best medicine but also an art form. A natural comedian, she effortlessly weaves humor into everyday situations, creating an atmosphere of joy and levity. With a quick wit and a contagious laughter, Brittany has the remarkable ability to turn even the mundane into moments of hilarity.

In addition to the entertainment world, Brittany is dedicated to inspiring others to embrace their beliefs and pursue their dreams. Through motivational talks and community involvement, she shares personal stories of triumph over challenges, emphasizing the importance of self-belief and perseverance.

In the grand tapestry of life, Brittany is the thread that weaves together faith, acting, and humor, creating a rich and vibrant narrative that resonates with all who have the pleasure of encountering this charismatic individual. Whether on stage, behind the scenes, or simply sharing a laugh over coffee, she leaves an indelible mark on the world, proving that a life well-lived is one filled with belief, creativity, and a generous dose of humor.


I realized that beauty was not a thing that I could acquire or consume, it was something I just had to be."

/  Lupita Nyong'o  /